What is enrichment and what is it good for?
Enrichment stands for enriching something. By adding incentives and/or activities you can ensure that your dog's life becomes even more fun .
Studies have shown that enrichment helps combat boredom and can help dogs with behavioral problems such as anxiety, boredom or frustration. Just like us humans , dogs need stimulation and varied activities. This way you ensure that they can live a healthy, cheerful and happy life . Bully Breeds differ from other breeds in terms of, among other things energy level. That's why it's important to movement in combination with enrichment to match your bully. This ensures that they have the space to process stimuli so that challenge and effort remain in balance.
There are 6 different types of enrichment for dogs:
Social enrichment:
Introducing others (unknown) people , animals and environments. For example, a trip to the beach or the forest, or your... Take your dog with you when you visit somewhere.
It is of course important to look at the individual needs of the dog . For example , a dog may not be happy when you touch him/her takes with you everywhere . It can actually cause him stress and that is of course not what you want . Social enrichment can also include them interacting with you more appreciate than take it with you everywhere you go . Or perhaps the interaction with their peers.
Sensory enrichment:
Stimulating the dog's senses for example, detective work. Tracking is not just for shepherds. Other dogs can also enjoy tracking. It is it is important that you look for it learn it well and not just hide something and then give the command “find” to your dog. They don't understand that. So you have to learn to search slowly.
Cognitive enrichment:
Motivates you to think and apply problem-solving skills , for example offering puzzle toys, creating your own puzzles or playing hide and seek with your dog. Check out the shop for enrichment products from Retorn , for example .
We humans are inclined to arrange and direct everything. We usually take ( automatically ) removes obstacles for our dogs without giving them the opportunity to come up with a solution themselves . If the road is blocked by an obstacle, we automatically lead the dog around it to the side that seems best to us . For example, you can also stand still and see how your dog handles this . And there are many more things in life with which you can mentally stimulate your dog.
Physical enrichment:
Physical activities other than walking.
When people think of physical enrichment, they immediately think of exercise. But there are many more options than just letting your dog run as fast as possible . For physical enrichment you can also think of digging or walking through a tunnel.
Playgroup enrichment:
Offer the dog interactive toys that he /she must learn to discover.
There is so much for a dog to keep mentally occupied at the moment. The most famous puzzles you will find in the pet store are those by Nina Ottosson . They come in different levels of difficulty, so there is something for every dog. But the sniffing mat is also extremely popular among dog owners. You can also do so much more. There are whole groups of people who are involved in making their own toys for dogs, often with things you already have at home. Be creative and involve your dog in this too.
Nutritional enrichment:
Offering the meal in a challenging way, such as in a slow feeder or using Enrichment feeding toys, a sniffing mat or frozen food.
You can simply give the food in a container. There is nothing wrong with that. But you can also offer the food in a different way. Before the slow feeders came along, people sometimes put tennis balls or stones in the tank. Handy dogs could easily pop it out , although otherwise it would n't be of much use to the dogs . The slow feeder was a solution for this . The obstacles are stuck. In addition to the slow feeder, there are many more options for offering food that requires dogs to work and think to get their food. You can fill a Kong or use a sniffing mat when you give chunks. If you give fresh meat, you can freeze it again. Men People sometimes create entire works of art from food for their four-legged friends.